• SAMS offers “someone I can talk to when I need you”

    Student - 10 years old

  • SAMS “coaching has had a big difference in the way the children present. Their whole outlook on life has changed.”

    Miss Mohain - Deputy Head Teacher + Senco

  • SAMS “has helped me with my anger… I know how to manage my anger.”

    Student - 9 years old

  • “SAMS has been so inspiring and has caused a culture shift in making a difference” [within school]

    Miss Tash - Deputy Head Teacher

  • SAMS “helps take my mind off the bad things”

    Student - 10 years old

  • “My child has never spoken about any adult the way he talks about his coach. He has never found someone he can feel this way about.”

    Parent of beneficiary

  • "Our children light up when they see you - the trusting relationship you have built with them are so impactful, particularly for our most vulnerable. "

    Ali Armstrong - Burnham Copse Headteacher