Celebrating Early Interventions
Over the past 2 years SAMS has managed to start supporting 5 local schools and is now supporting up to 29 children and students weekly through interventions focused on supporting their emotional and mental wellbeing.
SAMS has partnered with TLG who help supply training, online and physical resources as well as years of experience working with and supporting schools through early interventions. We currently have 8 trained coaches working with a child on a one to one basis for a whole year. We were thrilled to hear the stories and impact that TLG and SAMS are having together when we reviewed this side of our work across 2 primary schools in November 2024.
The impact on the children and the coaches is evident. One of coach commented, “it’s been life changing for me.”
As we spoke with a deputy head in one of our partner schools, they said "It’s great to see how exited the children are when they have their coaching sessions. But it is more than that. It is the fruit from the coaching too.” Confidence and self-esteem are improving because the children have positive role models and nurture time.
In another school, we’re told of a student who was the cause for a big celebration. The child had been a school refuser, been suspended and was not willing to engage with adults. The change in recent months was described as “pretty magical”. It’s clear to see that the work of early interventions is not just impacting the child’s life but the whole family and the schools. One school described the work as building bridges with parents that were historically less engaged.
We celebrate every one of our volunteers supporting the Early Interventions work with TLG and know there is a growing need for more coaches because this is transforming lives through hope, justice and compassion. In the words of one school, “[Coaching] is having a positive impact on children’s lives that shapes their future.”