Partner Schools help raise over £7.5K

“Maybe we could raise £3K if the schools are involved…” these were the words Sam used when setting up the fundraising page. None of us had any idea how much of an impact our partner schools would bring to this challenge.

The Challenge? You can read more about when Sam cycled 100 miles and ran a marathon all in our local Sainsburys here.

When he started chatting this idea through with some close friends and staff in schools, they all backed the idea and thought it was a great idea! So much so that they dedicated their teaching time, lunch breaks and personal time to making this such a success. Three of the five schools that SAMS supports, came to visit on the Friday during the 100 mile bike ride, to pack bags at the tills, became part of the cheer squad and collect donations. Inspired by Clare, the Year 5 teacher at Tadley Primary, the idea of bag packing became a reality for all three schools: hundreds of pounds being collected as a result. Turing Class at Tadley Primary also decided to make this cause their Charity of the Year, their first fundraising event was a school slip and slide obstacle course! It was such a great initiative and great fun for all involved - including the kids getting sprayed with a water pistol by their headteacher and IRONSAM!

Bishopswood Primary school showed up in full support and made an epic job at serving the local people of Tadley, collecting donations and cheering Sam on! We’re so grateful to their support and the donation made from their generous PTA team.

Burnham Copse Primary School brought a cheer squad team with them who made up songs and cheered Sam on, whilst we hung their posters on the windows behind to keep him pedalling! We also facetimed a couple of classes back in school and chatted with them as Sam’s legs continued to cramp and spin those wheels round! The school also decided to bring back their ‘daily mile’, which is where each class goes out at some point in the day to complete laps of the playground and clock up the miles. A great way to stay fit, healthy and focused. We’re delighted to report that the school continues to do their daily mile!

It’s fair to say that without the support of the students and teachers, the bike ride would’ve been 10x’s tougher! We are so grateful to every single person for their encouragement on the day and in the build up!

The next day, the students had had such fun that many of them returned, and brought their friends with them to either carry on cheering or in some cases, actually join in with the run! One individual (who doesn’t run) completed 11 miles throughout the course of the day! HERO!! Another had never run further than a mile and ran 5K - another hero!! And the final hero has to be Mr P. Thank you for spending so much time with Sam, keeping him distracted from the pain and clocking so many of those laps alongside!

It was humbling to see a community of schools come together over those two days. The staff, but perhaps more impressively, the students pulled together, dug deep and endured pain, all united in their drive to support the children and youth within their own community. A true example and story of compassion.

Collectively, with individuals and schools over £7.5K was raised. A huge effort bringing huge impact. And Sam thinks his legs have just about recovered.


Sam’s biggest challenge yet…


Celebrating Early Interventions